PS. food & lifestyle
PS. food & lifestyle Brand Guideline cover
PS. food & lifestyle Brand Guideline Spread
PS. enjoy food, enjoy life
PS. food & lifestyle Brand Guideline Spread
PS. food & lifestyle Brand Muesli & Granola
Mensen helpen


PS. food & lifestyle, previously know as PowerSlim, offers a diet coaching service together with its own in house developed product range to support the programme.

Having worked already for an number of years on previous generations of the brand it was time to make a bigger step for the positioning of the company. We were asked to help with brand strategy and to develop a new brand identity. This resulted in new logos, updated colour palettes, new fonts and graphic elements, packaging as well as big idea concept for the visual communication. Instead of a standard guideline, we were inspired by the lifestyle positioning and chose to create a magazine.

The PS. came from the original PowerSlim name. The PS was used in the original logo ao helped with the transition to the new name. The full stop was added to the ‘PS’ to become ‘PS.’ and in turn introducing our creative concept ‘post scriptum’. With this concept the ‘food & lifestyle’ in the logo could be exchanged for an alternative text. With packaging it was used also for product category as examples shown here of PS.muesli and PS.granola.

CLIENT & lifestyle

Brand Strategy, Brand Identity
Food photography
Packaging Design